Promoting fairness, responsibility, and respect

Dedicated to giving juvenile defense attorneys the tools necessary to advocate zealously on behalf of their clients

A youth

A Case Scenario Study: The Cost of Juvenile Justice

How the current juvenile justice system operates in Douglas County, Nebraska costs a lot of money and time.  In partnership with Voices for Children in Nebraska and Category One Consulting, we have created an interactive pdf, which contains hypothetical pathway scenarios of how three youth with the same offense may move through the juvenile justice system.  The youth experience very different paths based on a variety of factors.  The interacitve pdf allows you to explore each step of the youths journey, and the monetary cost associated step.  The hope is to use this tool to identify tangibl

Our Work

Brief introduction to the Juvenile Training Immersion Program (JTIP) Curriculum, list of training events, and certified trainers.

Explanation of our advocacy efforts for systemic changes in Nebraska’s juvenile justice system.

List of local, state, and national initiatives NYA collaborates with in its advocacy efforts.

Upcoming Events and Trainings

There are currently no events/training.